SOUTH AFRICA Inside the Free State farm suspected to be a human trafficking lair
"Livestock for sale‚" reads the nondescript blue sign that marks the boundary of a Free State farm that has attained notoriety over the...
Indonesian police probe foreign 'orders' for child pornography
JAKARTA - Indonesian authorities are investigating whether a child pornography ring had links to an international network, police said on...
Understanding the Language of Narcissistic Abuse.
I fell hard. And fast. Overwhelmed by his attention and adoration, I jumped in headfirst without blinking, believing him after only weeks...
Sexual abuse and exploitation guidance integral to SANDF training
SEA (sexual exploitation and abuse) guidance ahead of and during all SA National Defence Force (SANDF) deployments, internally and...
Preventing Gender-Based Violence will Help Women, Girls and Countries Thrive
WASHINGTON, May 18, 2017 – The World Bank Group has renewed its commitment to preventing violence against women and girls, investing a...
Bulk of funds for Canada’s gender-based violence strategy going to centre of excellence
The Liberal government is unveiling its strategy on gender-based violence Monday, with the bulk of the money set to create a centre of...
Sexting and cyberbulling have become realities for many youth with access to digital devices.
Social media lawyer Emma Sadleir has warned that parents need to equip themselves and be informed about what their children are using...
Creating abuse awareness
THE Julie Muir Vivier Anti-Abuse and Empowerment Trust is a South African survivor-led, human rights NPO that works with victims and...

High Court strikes down 20-year 'expiry date' on prosecuting sexual offences
Johannesburg - The High Court in Johannesburg has lifted a 20-year "expiry date" on prosecuting sexual offences. In a victory for victims...
The wearable shame of men labelled trash
The world is facing a serious and present danger of a gender war as our women and other vulnerable groups, like children and the LGBTIQ...